You will click in your search icon on Win 11 and type Registry Editor, which will bring up the registry editor. When it asks if you want to allow it to make changes, you click Yes. You will expand the folder that says HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, then expand the folder that says SOFTWARE, then expand Policies, then Microsoft, then Windows NT, then Terminal Services, then Client. You will then select the Client folder so that its highlighted (it's blue on mine), and in the menu bar at the top, click EDIT, NEW, DWORD (32-bit) Value. The 32 and 64 bits have nothing to do with your computer being a 64bit or 32bit, by the way. Then you will will see a new item pop up in the right side of the screen that says New Value #1. You will edit that to say fClientDisableUDP. Then you will right click on it, and select MODIFY, and in the box with the 0 in it, change that to 1. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Terminal Services\Client fClientDisableUDP REG_DWORD = 1